terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011

Prefeito diz "morra" a mulher em área de risco

Amazonino Mendes, de Manaus, provocou reações após fala gravada por TV

"Então morra", disse à mulher que afirmou não ser sua opção morar no
local; ele ainda ironizou a origem da paraense


O prefeito de Manaus, Amazonino Mendes (PTB), que disse "morra" a uma
moradora de área de risco que argumentava não ser uma escolha sua
estar ali, provocou reações no Congresso.
Anteontem, ele visitava a comunidade Santa Marta, área de risco de
desabamento na periferia de Manaus. A desempregada Laudenice Paiva,
37, disse a Amazonino que não se mudaria de lá porque não tinha
"Minha filha, então morra, morra, morra!", respondeu o prefeito. Em
seguida, ele indagou de onde a moradora havia vindo.
Ela respondeu que era paraense. "Então "tá" explicado", afirmou Amazonino.
O bate-boca foi filmado por uma equipe de reportagem local e postado
anteontem no YouTube.
Em Brasília, a senadora paraense Marinor Brito, líder do PSOL, disse
que ingressará hoje com uma representação na Procuradoria-Geral da
República acusando Amazonino de discriminação.
O deputado federal Carlos Puty (PT-PA) declarou que entraria com
representações na Promotoria do Amazonas, uma criminal e um pedido
para garantir segurança dos moradores na área.
"Ele está culpando a vítima [pela situação de perigo], além de
desrespeitá-la pela sua origem", disse à Folha.
Em Manaus, o vereador Joaquim Lucena (PSB) disse que pedirá o
impeachment do prefeito."Ele afetou a honra da moradora e de uma
grande parcela da população que não tem moradia."
A seccional da OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil) no Pará divulgou
ontem uma nota de repúdio sobre o incidente.
No documento, a OAB declara que o prefeito "se portou com desdém em
relação aos menos favorecidos pela sorte, ofendeu a moradora e o povo
do Pará de forma preconceituosa".
E pediu retratação. "Esperamos que a referida autoridade tenha a
grandeza de se retratar, desculpando-se com os pobres, que também
ajudaram a elegê-lo."
Ontem, Amazonino justificou-se dizendo que, ao falar "morra", usou
somente "uma expressão" e que, a seu ver, não houve qualquer tipo de
"Por que eu fiz a pergunta? Porque não é o Pará, é Roraima, Maranhão.
Quem não é de Manaus e vem para cá, uma cidade complexa e diferente,
fica fazendo habitações em lugares impróprios."
A Prefeitura de Manaus disse que, desde anteontem, retirou da área de
risco 30 famílias, incluindo a de Laudenice. Elas receberão
auxílio-aluguel de R$ 250.

Posted via email from franciscoripo

Nordestino afirma que foi espancado perto da Paulista -São Paulo FASCISTA

Nordestino afirma que foi espancado perto da Paulista

Empresário diz que andava na rua da Consolação com a alameda Santos
quando foi agredido por seis jovens

João Batista disse que ouviu "ele é nordestino, bate'; vítima teve uma
costela quebrada e quatro fraturas na face

Um empresário de 59 anos afirma que foi espancado na madrugada do
último domingo na região da avenida Paulista por ao menos seis jovens
que ele diz não conhecer. Segundo a vítima, as agressões aconteceram
porque ele é nordestino.
A vítima, o maranhense João Batista Reis Freitas, diz que foi agredido
quando passava a pé pelo cruzamento da rua da Consolação com a alameda
Santos, no Jardim Paulista (zona oeste).
Enquanto levava chutes e porradas na cabeça e nas costelas, o
empresário afirma que escutava alguém gritar: "Ele é nordestino,
"Não tentaram me roubar nem me disseram nada antes das agressões.
Simplesmente começaram a me bater sem nenhum motivo."
De acordo com o empresário, os ataques só terminaram quando uma
pessoa, que ele acredita ser um segurança que atua na região,
interveio e os agressores se assustaram fugindo a pé.
A vítima, que voltava de uma confraternização com amigos em um bar na
Bela Vista, só percebeu a gravidade dos ferimentos ao chegar em casa,
em Pinheiros.
"Ele estava com o rosto todo ensanguentado e se assustou quando se viu
no espelho", disse sua filha, a vendedora Pâmela Freitas, 26.
A agressão resultou em uma costela quebrada e quatro fraturas nos ossos da face.
Internado no hospital Beneficência Portuguesa, Freitas diz que há mais
de dez anos não era vítima de preconceito em São Paulo.
"Logo que me mudei para cá [em 1972] ouvi muita piada. Mas depois isso
parou porque eu nem ligava mais."

O empresário ainda não registrou boletim de ocorrência porque,
conforme ele, ainda não teve tempo de ir até uma delegacia.
No domingo, foi ao pronto-socorro do hospital. Medicado, retornou para
casa. Como as dores não passaram, retornou ao Beneficência Portuguesa
anteontem e uma equipe médica decidiu deixá-lo internado até a
realização de uma cirurgia para recompor os ossos de sua face. A
operação está marcada para depois de amanhã.
Assim que sair, ele pretende acionar a polícia. "Se não fizer o B.O,
mais pessoas podem ser vítimas e esses bandidos continuarão livres."
Desde novembro do ano passado, a região da avenida Paulista tem sido
palco de várias agressões contra pedestres. Quatro jovens foram
detidos em uma unidade da Fundação Casa (ex-Febem) por agredirem três

Posted via email from franciscoripo

Important mail. T-update 100: Social-individualist anarchist tendency in the Egyptian revolt. The anarchist black flag with a white fist, a symbol of peaceful non-ochlarchical libertarian resistance is carried by many protesters. The situation i

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From: Anarchist International Information Service - AIIS <ifa@anarchy.no>
Date: 2011/2/22
Subject: Important mail. T-update 100: Social-individualist anarchist tendency in the Egyptian revolt. The anarchist black flag with a white fist, a symbol of peaceful non-ochlarchical libertarian resistance is carried by many protesters. The situation in Libya
To: International newsmedia and mandated persons <fb@powertech.no>, "Anarchists and syndicalists etc." <fb@anarchy.no>

Hi fellow(s) - Important message!
IJA 1 (41), see below, is usually updated 2-3 times a day from about noon to midnight GMT + 1.  We have the probably best coverage of the North African and Middle East revolts and (embryo) revolutions. We usually don't send updates per e-mail. Feel free to click on the link to IJA 1 (41) below to follow the news, analysis and comments, several times a day. Be updated, and discuss the updates with your fellows and own network (including AIIS etc)!
@-greetings - AIIS - www.anarchy.no
PS. Feel free to forward this e-mail to your own network!

From IJA 1/11 (41) Web:  http://www.anarchy.no/ija141.html  - Updated: 

T-update 100: Social-individualist anarchist tendency in the Egyptian revolt. The anarchist black flag with a white fist, a symbol of peaceful
non-ochlarchical libertarian resistance is carried by many protesters. The situation in Libya.

22.02.2011. Social-individualist anarchist tendency in the Egyptian revolt. The anarchist black flag with a white fist, a symbol of peaceful non-ochlarchical libertarian resistance is carried by many protesters. The situation in Libya.

The anarchist black flag with a white fist, a symbol of peaceful and non-ochlarchical libertarian resistance, was carried by many through the streets of Cairo a.o.t. during the symbolic revolution that ousted president Hosni Mubarak. This is a symbol used by peaceful non-ochlarchical anarchists in different mixes at least since the 1970s. Black stands for anarchism, the fist for resistance or protest, and white for peace and the non-ochlarchical. This time it was probably imported via the Canvas (Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies, Serbia and international), rooted back to Otpor (Resistance), that some paranoid marxist leftists think is run by the CIA. It is however likely that organizations and individuals in USA, also some with links to CIA, may have given some money to Canvas, as many others world wide have. Canvas in general exaggerates its influence.

But Canvas' program and ideas stand on its own feet, i.e. a somewhat Tolstoy-inspired but secular, non-violent, form of social-individualist anarchism and resistance. Canvas' strategy and Tolstoy-inspired strategies in general have however its limitations, and may be manipulated in contra-revolutionary direction. But it is useful as a part of a more general strategy: As mentioned a development towards real democracy in Egypt must be done by the people's actions, i.e. act with dignity, use real matter of fact arguments and add weight behind via direct actions, including industrial actions, and via organization, dialog and elections. The main strategy of The Anarchist International - AI/IFA is basically neither pacifism nor terrorism, and for as little as possible violence. The limitations of a pacifist strategy are clear in Libya, and the policy in Egypt was not 100% pacifist. For more information about the main anarchist strategy, see Antimilitarism - an anarchist approach - IJA 2 (38) and The International Conference on Terrorism - IJA 4 (31).

Anyway Canvas' influence in Egypt was and is limited, although in 2009, in Belgrade, Canvas gave Egyptian youthgroup April 6 lessons in peaceful protest. The Egyptians however did not adopt some of Otpor's more whimsical tactics. The influence of The Anarchist International - AI/IFA, and all its sections, see The official link-site of AI/IFA, including The International Workers of the World - Egyptian section and The Anarchist Confederation of Africa - Egyptian section, is most likely more important in this connection. A somewhat anarchist, and mainly social-individualist anarchist tendency, with an Egyptian local touch, was and is significant in the still mostly informal people's movement in the country. The anarchist black flag with a white fist, a symbol of peacful non-ochlarchical libertarian resistance is carried by many protesters in Egypt.

Social-individualism, a libertarian tendency, is a centrist and progressive moderate form of anarchism, also called the third alternative, located between advanced social-democratic marxism and advanced social-liberalism on the economic-political map. Many social-individualists don't label themselves as anarchists for different reasons, but they are practically certain all de facto mainly moderate libertarians, i.e. for freedom and real democracy.

The anarchist black flag with a white fist, a symbol of peaceful non-ochlarchical libertarian resistance is carried by many during protests in Egypt.

By the way, the ultra-authoritarian, totalitarian, Muslim Brotherhood is sometimes sailing unders false anarchist black flag, documented by BBC 04.02.2011, and the International Anarchist Tribunal - IAT-APT handed out a Brown Card to the islamist movement for this serious break of the Oslo Convention.

Social-individualism, i.e. moderate libertarianism, including freedom and real democracy, is today an important tendency, especially regarding the middle to long term aim, also in Tunisia and in many other oppositions in North Africa and the Middle East. The earlier dominant islamist oppositions are less important today because the oppositions are broader people's movements, but islamism represents a contra-revolutionary strategic danger.

Libya: Gadhafi vows to die a martyr, calls on supporters to fight protesters in the street, Asscoiated Press reported: Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi vowed to fight on to his "last drop of blood" and roared at his supporters to take to the streets against protesters in a furious, fist-pounding speech Tuesday after two nights of bloodshed in the capital as his forces tried to crush the uprising that has fragmented his regime. Gadhafi's call portended a new round of mayhem in the capital of 2 million people. The night before, residents described a rampage by pro-regime militiamen, who shot on sight anyone found in the streets and opened fire from speeding vehicles at people watching from windows of their homes. Tuesday morning, bodies still lay strewn in some streets. Gunshots in celebration were heard after Gadhafi's speech, aired on state TV and on a screen to several hundred supporters in Tripoli's central Green Square, witnesses said.

Swathed in brown robes and a turban, the country's leader for nearly 42 years spoke from behind a podium in the entrance of his bombed-out Tripoli residence hit by US airstrikes in the 1980s and left unrepaired as a symbol of defiance. At times the camera panned back to show the outside of the building and its towering monument of a gold-colored fist crushing an American fighter jet. But the view also gave a surreal image of Gadhafi, shouting and waving his arms wildly all alone in a broken-down lobby with no audience, surrounded by torn tiles dangling from the ceiling, shattered concrete pillars and bare plumbing pipes. "Libya wants glory, Libya wants to be at the pinnacle, at the pinnacle of the world," he proclaimed, pounding his fist on the podium. "I am a fighter, a revolutionary from tents ... I will die as a martyr at the end," he said, vowing to fight "to my last drop of blood."

Gadhafi [falsely] depicted the protesters as misguided youths, who had been given drugs and money by a "small, sick group" to attack police and government buildings. He said the uprising was fomented by "bearded men" - a reference to islamic fundamentalists - and Libyans living abroad. He called on supporters to take to the streets to attack protesters. "You men and women who love Gadhafi ... get out of your homes and fill the streets," he said. "Leave your homes and attack them in their lairs." "The police cordons will be lifted, go out and fight them," he said, urging youth to form local committees across the country "for the defense of the revolution and the defense of Gadhafi." "Forward, forward, forward!" he barked at the speech's conclusion, pumping both fists in the air as he stormed away from the podium. He was kissed by about a dozen supporters, some in security force uniforms. Then he climbed into a golf cart-like vehicle and puttered away.

The turmoil in the capital escalates a week of protests and bloody clashes in Libya's eastern cities that have shattered Gadhafi's grip on the nation. Many cities in the east appeared to be under the control of protesters after units of Gadhafi's army defected. Protesters in the east claimed to hold several oil fields and facilities and said they were protecting them against damage or vandalism. The regime has been hit by a string of defections by ambassadors abroad, including its UN delegation, and a few officials at home. In response, Gadhafi's security forces have unleashed the bloodiest crackdown of any Arab country against the wave of protests sweeping the region, which toppled leaders of Egypt and Tunisia. At least 62 people were killed in violence in Tripoli since Sunday, according to the New York-based Human Rights Watch, but it cautioned that that figure came from only two hospitals. That comes on top of at least 233 people killed across the so far in the uprising, counted by the group from hospitals around the country.

The head of the UN human rights agency, Navi Pillay, called for an investigation, saying widespread and systematic attacks against civilians "may amount to crimes against humanity." The UN Security Council was holding an emergency session Tuesday, and Western diplomats were pushing for it to demand an end to the retaliation against protesters. Libya's deputy UN ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi called Monday for the world body to enforce a no-fly zone over cities to prevent mercenaries and military equipment from reaching the regime. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said it was up to the council whether to discuss the proposal.

The first major protests to hit an OPEC country - and major supplier to Europe - sent oil prices soaring to more than $93 a barrel Tuesday. A string of international oil companies have begun evacuating their expatriate workers or their families, and the Spanish oil company Repsol-YPF said it suspended production in Libya on Tuesday. It accounted for about 3.8 percent of Libya's total production of 1.6 million barrels a day. World leaders also have expressed outrage. US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called on Gadhafi to "stop this unacceptable bloodshed" and said the world was watching the events "with alarm."

Tripoli streets were largely empty during the day Tuesday, except for people venturing out for food, wary of militia attacks. One man in his 50s said residents of his neighborhood were piling up roadblocks of concrete, bricks and wood to try to slow militiamen. He said he had seen several streets with funeral tents mourning the dead. He described spending the night before barricaded in his home, blankets over the windows, as militiamen rampaged in the streets until dawn. Buses unloaded militia fighters - Libyans and foreigners - in several neighborhoods. Others sped in vehicles with guns mounted on the top, opening fire, including at people watching from windows, he said. "I know of two different families, one family had a 4-year-old who was shot and killed on a balcony in the eastern part of the city, and another lady on the balcony was shot in the head," he said. He, like other residents, contacted by the Associated Press, spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.

One of the heaviest battlegrounds was the impoverished, densely populated district of Fashloum. There, militiamen shot any "moving human being" with live ammunition, including ambulances, so wounded were left in the streets to die, one resident said. He said that as he fled the neighborhood Monday night, he ran across a group of militiamen, including foreign fighters. "The Libyans (among them) warned me to leave and showed me bodies of the dead and told me: `We were given orders to shoot anybody who moves in the place,'" said the resident. Militias - which many witnesses say include foreign fighters who appear to be from sub-Saharan Africa - have taken the forefront in the crackdown in Tripoli. That is in part because Gadhafi has traditionally kept his military and other armed forces weakened to prevent any challenge.

The week of upheaval in Libya has weakened - if not broken for now - the control of Gadhafi's regime in parts of the east. Protesters claim to control a string of cities across just under half of Libya's 1,600-kilometer-long (1,000 mile) Mediterranean coast, from the Egyptian border in the east to the city of Ajdabiya, an important site in the oil fields of central Libya, said Tawfiq al-Shahbi, a protest organizer in the eastern city of Tobruk. He said had visited the crossing station into Egypt and that border guards had fled. In Tobruk and Benghazi, the country's second largest city, protesters were raising the pre-Gadhafi flag of Libya's monarchy on public buildings, he and other protesters said. Protesters and local tribesmen were protecting several oil fields and facilities around Ajdabiya, said Ahmed al-Zawi, a resident there. They had also organized watch groups to guard streets and entrances to the city, he said.

Residents are also guarding one of Libya's main oil export ports, Zuweita, and the pipelines feeding into it, he said. The pipelines are off and several tankers in the part left empty, said al-Zawi, who said he visited Zuweita on Tuesday morning. In Benghazi, protesters over the weekend overran police stations and security headquarters, taking control of the streets with the help of army units that broke away and sided with them. Benghazi residents, however, remained in fear of a regime backlash. One doctor in the city said Tuesday many spent the night outside their homes, hearing rumors that airstrikes and artillery assaults were imminent. "We know that although we are in control of the city, Gadhafi loyalists are still here hiding and they can do anything anytime," he said.

Gadhafi, the longest serving Arab leader, appeared briefly on TV early Tuesday to dispel rumors that he had fled. Sitting in a car in front of what appeared to be his residence and holding an umbrella out of the passenger side door, he told an interviewer that he had wanted to go to the capital's Green Square to talk to his supporters gathered there, but the rain stopped him. "I am here to show that I am in Tripoli and not in Venezuela. Don't believe those misleading dog stations," Gadhafi said, referring to the media reports that he had left the country. The video clip and comments lasted less than a minute. But Tuesday evening's speech lasted well over a half hour. During it, Gadhafi recounting his days as a young revolutionary leader who "liberated" Libya - a reference to the 1969 military coup that brought him to power - and his defiance against US airstrikes.

He insisted that since he has no official title, he cannot resign - Gadhafi is referred to as the "brother leader," but is not president. He [falsely] said he had not ordered police to use any force force used against protesters [i.e. the people] - that his supporters had come out voluntarily to defend him. "I haven't ordered a single bullet fired," he [falsely] said, warning that if he does, "everything will burn." He said that if protests didn't end, he would stage a "holy march" with millions of supporters to cleanse Libya. He demanded protesters in Benghazi hand over weapons taken from captured police stations and military bases, warning of separatism and civil war. "No one allows his country to be a joke or let a mad man separate a part of it," he declared.

The Anarchist International - AI/IFA and all its sections, see The official link-site of AI/IFA, including the anarchosyndicalist labor confederation International Workers of the World and The Anarchist Confederation of Africa, declared: "We call on Colonel Gaddafi and his henchmen to step down - NOW!... i.e. if not today, within a few days or weeks!! And we call on the Libyan people: Remember Direct Action and Antimilitarism - an anarchist approach - IJA 2 (38) & The International Conference on Terrorism - IJA 4 (31)!!!"

Posted via email from franciscoripo

Le Monde.fr: Daniel Defert : "L'oralité est un lieu de corrections instantanées, mais Foucault écrivait tous ses cours"

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From: franciscoripo@gmail.com <noreply@relai.lemonde.fr>
Date: 2011/2/22
Subject: Le Monde.fr: Daniel Defert : "L'oralité est un lieu de corrections instantanées, mais Foucault écrivait tous ses cours"
Cc: franciscoripo@gmail.com

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Daniel Defert : "L'oralité est un lieu de corrections instantanées, mais Foucault écrivait tous ses cours"

Compagnon de Michel Foucault, Daniel Defert revient sur les circonstances de publication des cours au Collège de France.

LE MONDE DES LIVRES | 2011/02/10 10:59:52

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Posted via email from franciscoripo