terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2012

Manifesto pela Democratização da Universidade de São Paulo

Manifesto pela Democratização da Universidade de São Paulo

Ato de Lançamento do Manifesto pela Democratização da USP Fábio Konder Comparato, Vladimir Safatle, Gilberto Bercovici, Leonel Itaussu, Jorge Luiz Souto Maior, Ivan Seixas e estudante representando o Comando de Greve (Estarão presentes também pessoas atingidas pela ditadura, familiares de mortos e desaparecidos durante o regime militar e militantes dos direitos humanos) 1º de março (quinta-feira), às 19 horas FAU - USP
ter, 28 de fevereiro, 10:00 – 11:00 GMT-03:00
Lançamento do Manifesto: 1º de março (quinta-feira), às 19 horas, na USP
Francisco Ripo
Posterous (franciscoripo)

Fábio Konder Comparato, Vladimir Safatle, Gilberto Bercovici, Leonel Itaussu, Jorge Luiz Souto Maior, Ivan Seixas e estudante representando o Comando de Greve
(Estarão presentes também pessoas atingidas pela ditadura, familiares de mortos e desaparecidos durante o regime militar e militantes dos direitos humanos)
1º de março (quinta-feira), às 19 horas

Posted via email from franciscoripo

Manifesto pela Democratização da Universidade de São Paulo

Manifesto pela Democratização da Universidade de São Paulo:

'via Blog this'

Call for anarchafeminist international direct actions. Join the fight for anarchy - and more of it - world wide - NOW! Participate in the struggle for anarchy, i.e. real democracy!

Welcome to the
Anarchist International Information Service
The official pages of The Anarchist International AI - The International of Anarchist Federations IAF - L'Internationale des Fédérations Anarchistes IFA
A libertarian lighthouse in a mostly Orwellian "1984" newspeaking, lying, world
De facto: ochlarchy (mob rule) and anarchy & ochlarchists and anarchists are opposites as war and peace
To say de facto ochlarchy is anarchy and ochlarchists are anarchists are lies equal to war is peace

And it has similar authoritarian, repressive, functions as Big Brother in "1984"
* Listen to: The pro anarchy and anti-ochlarchist anthem! Click here! *
We wish you a happy March!
Join the fight for anarchy - and more of it - world wide - NOW!
Participate in the struggle for anarchy, i.e. real democracy!
In addition to the general struggle for anarchy, on top of the agenda,1-2-3, equally important, is the fight for
1. social justice and security, 2. solution to the economic crisis & 3. solution to the global warming problem.

* Read: The anarchist principle of social justice and social security - Click here! *
* Read: The World Economic Council - WEC - Against economic crisis... - Click here! *

* Read: The Eco-Anarchist Manifesto - EAM - Against manmade global warming... - Click here! *
* Read: Brief course of anarchy and anarchism - to get started on www.anarchy.no - Ver. 1.8 - Click here! *
* Read: Basic course of anarchy and anarchism - to learn more than the brief course - Click here! *
* Read: The anarchists' 2012 report! Updated March! - Anarkistenes 2012 rapport! Oppdatert i mars - Click here! *
* Read: The FABS - The Federalist Anarchist Beat Society's new album: Anarchy in Norway - Click here! *
* Read: Women's day 08.03.2012 - Call for anarchafeminist international direct actions - Click here! *

Click here! International Journal of Anarchism: Updated News and Comments - Click here!

Links / Search

Anarchy and anarchism mean "system and management without ruler(s), i.e. co-operation without repression, tyranny and slavery".
Anarchism is, a. o. t., based on dialog and free, matter of fact, criticism. Feel free to send us a comment
: Contact AIIS - Click here!

Special reports, latest updates: Click on: The Anarchist International's main policy for 2012; Click on: Kommunevalget 2011 - Boikott Frp, SV og R - Stem på V og Sp - Resultater ; Click on: Nei til Ola Borten Moe som ny Senterpartileder ;
Click on:
Veien framover: Hvordan Norge kan oppnå en høy grad av anarki ; Click on: Artikkelen "Akademiske anarkister - Anonyme anarkister" fra Universitas 26 (56) 2002 med kommentarer ;
Click on:
Congress on ochlarchy (mob rule) and ochlarchist infiltration in the anglophone anarchist movement - September 2003

In the mostly Orwellian "1984" newspeaking, lying, world, the following lies are also significant:
In USA, the world's largest economy, economical plutarchy, i.e. capitalism, is falsely called economic freedom!
In China, the country with most people in the world, a totalitarian oligarchy is falsely called the people's democracy!
And there are much more Orwellian "1984" newspeak type lies in the world - many of these lies are revealed and unmasked at www.anarchy.no!
Be enlightened and prepared for real democracy, i.e. anarchy, feel free to study all at www.anarchy.no!

The truth: the only Anarchies, i.e. anarchist countries in the world, are Norway, The Swiss Confederation and Iceland,
and they are only anarchies of rather low degree...

And, say, Somalia, as the newspeaking lie-machines CNN, BBC, Foxnews, Reuters, Associated Press, Wikipedia and most of Internet in general, etc.
falsely call 'anarchy' is in reality an ochlarchy with rivaling polyarchy, i.e. chaos - not anarchy, and the country most far from anarchy in the world!
In general, x-archy, where x can be anything but not 'an', is the opposite of freedom and real democracy.

www.anarchy.no has practically certain truths and likely truths, i.e. real scientific non-rejected hypothesis!
Most of so called social sciences and newsmedia represent false ideology, propaganda, manufactured consent, lies and more lies!

Thousands of anarchists world wide have contributed to the www.anarchy.no.
The www.anarchy.no is independent and autonomous, financed by anarchists and not by capitalist commercials or state-subsidies.
The www.anarchy.no has for the time being about 15 000 visitors and 50 000 hits per month.
The www.anarchy.no has been on Internet since July 1996.

NB! Feel free to spread the light from this lighthouse,
say, by mailing the link http://www.anarchy.no to your fellows, or write it on your Web or blog!

To use the search option, click on the link above!

Posted via email from franciscoripo