domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010



Uruguay - a conservative liberalist system close to right fascism and with tendencies of police state

Montevideo, founded by the Spanish in 1726 as a military stronghold, soon took advantage of its natural harbor to become an important commercial center. Claimed by Argentina but annexed by Brazil in 1821, Uruguay declared its independence four years later and secured its freedom in 1828 after a three-year struggle. The administrations of President Jose Battle in the early 20th century established some political, social, and economic reforms that established a statist tradition. A violent marxist urban guerrilla movement named the Tupamaros, launched in the late 1960s, led Uruguay's president to cede control of the government to the military in 1973. By yearend, the rebels had been crushed, but the military continued to expand its hold over the government. Civilian rule was not restored until 1985. In 2004, the populist left-of-center Frente Amplio Coalition won national elections that effectively ended 170 years of political control previously held by the Colorado and Blanco parties.

Uruguay has a conservative liberalist economic-political system, somewhat similar to the system in Argentina, but a little less capitalist and a bit more statist, and somewhat more authoritarian, than Argentina. Uruguay is ranked as no 51 of countries in the world according to libertarian degree, with  a point estimate at 37,1%, i.e. ca 62,9% authoritarian degree, while Argentina is ranked as no 45, with a point estimate of ca 37,8% libertarian degree, i.e. ca 62,2% authoritarian degree. Uruguay is also clearly more authoritarian than the USA, with ca 42,5% libertarian degree and ca 57,5% authoritarian degree. It is also a bit more capitalist than the USA, with a gini-index at 44.6, while the USA has a gini-index at 40.8. As a rule of the thumb a gini-index above 35 indicates capitalism.

The degree of capitalism in Uruguay is estimated to ca 76,2%, i.e. very significant (the degree of socialism is only ca 23,8%). The degree of statism is estimated to ca 45,9%, and thus the degree of autonomy is ca 54,1 %, i.e. significant. The economic-political system of Uruguay has a strong tendency of unenlightened plutarchy.

The political tendency of the ruling Frente Amplio Coalition per 2010 is as mentioned populist left-of-center, but this is not the main tendency of the system seen all in all: Uruguay is located in the conservative sector, a little to the left and more downwards, of USA, in the quadrant of liberalism on the economical-political map, not very far from right fascism. The authoritarian degree is however clearly less than 67%, thus Uruguay of today has not a totalitarian system, there are however som tendencies of a police state.

The estimates of the coordinates of the economic-political system are based on UN-statistics and other sources and are considered as long term average structural estimates, see chapter V.B. at System theory and economic-political map especially about "Statistics and estimation methods", and Ranking of countries according to libertarian degree, search for Uruguay and see also the footnotes in this file.

International libertarian solidarity direct action! Protest is not a crime! Ad judgement against Federación Anarquista Gaúcha Uruguay etc.

In an e-mail to the Anarchist International, AI/IFA, with a Word-file included, from Federación Anarquista Uruguaya 15.07.2010, the federation 1. declares: Protest is not a crime!, 2. calls for solidarity actions regarding judgement against the Federation of Left Anarchists, Federación Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG) in Uruguay, 19.07.2010 and 3. tells about the repressive situation in general in Uruguay, including the murder of peasant activist Elton Bru by the State, see (click on:) (Spanish text). The quick respons from AI/IFA via the AI-secretariate, an...

International libertarian solidarity direct action

The Anarchist International, AI, and the Anarchist Confederation of Latin America, ACLA, La Confederación Anarquista de Iberoamérica, launch 15.07.2010 a direct action world wide, vis-a-vis Uruguay's government, embassies, international newsmedia and mandated person, and anarchists and syndicalists:

1. AI and ACLA comdemn the murder of peasant activist Elton Bru by the State.

2. Protest is not a crime, as long as it is direct action and thus not with ochlarchy (mob rule broadly defined)

3. AI and ACLA declare full solidaric support to the Federation of Left Anarchists, Federación Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG) in Uruguay, regarding the judgement 19.07.2010.

4. For a velvet revolution in Uruguay! AI and ACLA call for direct actions and other anarchist actions within the framework of real democracy to get Uruguay on a progressive libertarian track, a) - from the present semi-democratic, authoritarian conservative liberalist system, towards b) social-individualist anarchism and real democracy - economical and political/administrative, and c) further upwards on the economic-political map towards commune/communist anarchism, i.e. the anarchist ideal. To achieve this, the velvet revolution must be permanent! Long live the anarchy!

5. AI and ACLA call on all people, groups and individuals, that read this resolution, to join in with relevant own actions - demonstrate with dignity - not ochlarchy!


A los compañeros y organizaciones solidarias con la FAG. A pedido de la Gobernadora del estado Yeda Crusius, el Juez determinó el cancelamiento de la audiencia del proceso judicial contra los 6 compañeros de la FAG, y transifiró la misma para el día 24.11.2010, a la hora 14:00. Esto demuestra que Yeda no quiere desgastarse políticamente antes de las elecciones. Siendo así, el acto de solidaridad previsto para realizarse en día lunes 19 está cancelado. A pesar de la postergación, seguimos movilizados en torno a la campaña LA PROTESTA NO ES UN CRIMEN y mantendremos a tod@s informad@s. Desde ya, agradecemos la solidaridad a tod@s. Secretaría de Relaciones. Federación Anarquista Gaúcha.

To fellows and organizations in solidarity with the FAG. Upon request of the state Governor Yeda Crusius, the court determined the cancellation of the hearing of legal proceedings against the six partners of the FAG and moved the same to the day 24.11.2010, at the time 14.00. This shows that Yeda do not want the political strain before the election. Thus, the act of solidarity expected to take place on Monday 19 is canceled. Despite the delay, we continue to move around the campaign PROTEST IS NOT A CRIME, and keep all informed. We thank for all solidarity. Relations Department. Federation of Left Anarchists (FAG).

AI and ACLA will continue the International libertarian solidarity direct action in general, and especially around 24.11.2010.

In a) an e-mail sent to the Anarchist International, AI/IFA, including the Anarchist Confederation of Latin America, ACLA, La Confederación Anarquista de Iberoamérica -- from Federación Anarquista Uruguaya 30.08.2010, see (Spanish text), with b) an interview from 'Socialismo Libertario', the official organ of 'del Foro del Anarquismo Organizado' (FAO), with the responsible for the defense of FAG, Claudia Avila, c) a.o.t. the situation in Uruguay is discussed. The interview confirms that Uruguay has a conservative liberalist system close to right fascism and with tendencies of police state.

NB! Underlined words and phrases are links to click on!

From the Anarchy Debate . This file will be updated - Follow the news and comment!

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The Anarchy Debate

The economical-political map revisited
USA on the economic-political map - new president 2009 but no significant change in the system's coordinates
Unenlightened plutarchy, plutarchy in general and plutocracy
Failed States - Comment from IIFOR - Contributions from Noam Chomsky, etc.
Argentina, Chile and Brazil on the economic-political map
The situation in Bolivia
Colombia - A right-fascist system with severe ochlarchy
Belize's place on the economic-political map
China's place on the economic-political map
Cuba's place on the economic-political map
The situation in the Central Asian countries
Qatar and other Arab countries on the economic-political map
The Anarchist International condemns Libyan dictator colonel Moammar Gadhafi's attempt to 'abolish' the Anarchy of Switzerland
The Swiss referendum suggesting a ban of minarets is condemned and declared not valid by the International Anarchist Tribunal and the Anarchist International
The situation in Iran - Release the political prisoners in Iran! Do away with the fascist regime!
The situation in Georgia
Ukraine on the economic-political map
No membership in NATO for Georgia and Ukraine (brown)
The situation in Zimbabwe
Men, we have a problem - CGT (Spanish anarchosyndicalists)
En la Brecha (In the Gap) - CNT-AIT 12.10.2007
Anarchist protest against the pope
Anarcho materialism
Anarchism vs "anarcho"-capitalist "law and order"
Anarchy vs narcotic-liberalism
The Anarchist International condemns brutal stabbing of a workers' activist in South China
En la Brecha (In the Gap) - CNT-AIT 03.12.2007
Benjamin R. Tucker's basic ideas
Pierre Joseph Proudhon's basic ideas
Ochlarchical tendencies of the anarchists in Spain 1936-39
India on the economic-political map - Indian low castes fight back - India is far from a "functioning anarchy"
Too little too late? Nations agree on steps to revive climate treaty
CGT before the Treaty of  the Union
CGT: Communiqué - The Returns Directive - It establishes the fascism in Europe
New year greetings 2008 etc.
Anarchism and borders
The situation in Pakistan and its place on the economic-political map
The freedom concept defined and related to anarchism etc.
"Free" marketers and slave contracts
The logic of collective action and anarchism
Anarchism vs "free" markets/"anarcho"-capitalism
"Free" marketers/"anarcho"-capitalists are statists
Freedom, efficiency, fairness and other anarchist principles
Global warming and anarchism
Noam Chomsky on the relevance of anarcho-syndicalism and collectivist anarchism to modern society
Anarchism, ethics and social scientists
The road towards anarchy of a high degree
Some thoughts on anarchism and law and order
Anarchism and the man who will not work
Chomsky on power
Private property rights vs possession in anarchist law
Anarchism vs violence
Anarchist strategy
CGT on the situation in Morocco
Natural monopolies and horizontally organized, anarchist, public sector
Monopoly or monopolistic competition?
Anarkos - anarchist winery
Support action for CIRA
The Anarchy of the Oceans and the North Pole
Venezuela on the economic-political map - a form of national "socialism", nazism
New anarchist groups in Venezuela
13.09.2007 the Anarchistfederation of Norway celebrated its 30th anniversary
En la Brecha (In the Gap) - CNT-AIT 25.09.2007
A message from Aki Orr - Israel
Anarchist principles for debate
IOC inaction on labor rights shameful
The third libertarian fair in Mexico City
Anarchist comment on Alain Badiou
Peru on the economic-political map - a right fascist totalitarian system, but not ultra-fascist - International Libertarian Declaration - Unite and fight for increased libertarian degree in Peru!
The 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Spanish CNT - Notes from CNT-AIT and CGT - Congratulations from the Anarchist International
Uruguay - a conservative liberalist system close to right fascism and with tendencies of police state
International libertarian solidarity direct action! Protest is not a crime! Ad judgement against Federación Anarquista Gaúcha Uruguay etc.

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